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How Do I Use Clojure In Android Studio Using Graclj?

My ultimate goal is to be able to write Clojure apps for Android, using Android Studio and Cursive. I started with leiningen but found out that it is a build system that is indepen

Solution 1:

Unfortuantely, I don't have any Android (let alone Android Studio) experience. However, I'll do my best to answer based on Gradle/Graclj knowledge.

Graclj does not require you to use the root project. You can apply the plugin(s) in any of the projects that you have in your build. However, I don't know how well a model-based plugin like Graclj will work with the "traditional" Android plugin. You could try the "experimental" one that's using the model approach, though there's a decent chance that it won't be compatible unless there's one that works with Gradle 2.12.

Alternatively, you might be able to add a dependency to the Android app project on the JAR produced by Graclj (which you may still want to put in a project besides the root). Not sure if there's a very good way to do this (haven't tried myself).

dependencies {
   // my-other-proj being whichever one you use Graclj in
   compile project(':my-other-proj')

Or maybe you would need to add it to a configuration first in the my-other-proj to interop with traditional plugins:

artifacts {
   archives createMainJar

It is possible that you're at a dead end (for now). Graclj is very new, so this stuff should all be possible eventually.

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