Querying At Firebase Not Working With Orderbychild/equalto With A String Child Field
I really don't get this and, once more, am close to desperation dealing with firebase.. I have a list saved at a specific location: root/Chats/WPXEmqvX1BfQB9n3UQFjF3xi1so2 'Cha
Solution 1:
Just do
rootRef.child("Chats") .orderByChild("uid").equalTo("Jc9dASQdabXiT0holYFDkeqCczK2") .addListenerForSingleValueEvent
This query, for all children in the "Chats" node, will order them by "uid", and returns the one with the right uid value. I think the query before did not work for you because you explicitly specify which child in chat using .child("WPXEmqvX1BfQB9n3UQFjF3xi1so2")
, which returns you the child with the key "WPXEmqvX1BfQB9n3UQFjF3xi1so2" (which is one single chat object), so orderByChild("uid") does not work like it's supposed to anymore.
Solution 2:
When you are holding particular node you can't update the same node. Why because it's still in use and holding reference.
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