Rename File In Gradle With Passed Parameter
I'm packaging up my build artefacts from a gradle build. It's an Android Studio project. I have tasks that successfully create a zip file containing two jars. Let's say the zip fil
Solution 1:
is a method on CopyProcessingSpec
, that configures the task to perform some renamings while operating. If you wrap it in doLast
, the copying has already happened, and no rename will be performed. Furthermore, rename takes only file names, not relative or absolute file paths. This should work:
project.ext.versionString = versionString
task renameArtifacts (type: Copy) {
from ('build/')
include ''
destinationDir file('build/')
rename '', "my-${project.versionString}.zip"
Edit: $versionString is not accessible in tasks. Using extra project property is the suggested way how to pass these in tasks (see here).
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