How Get Button Coordinate? July 25, 2024 Post a Comment I have a layout activity_main.xml: Solution 1: Inside OnCreate() method define this Buttonbutton= (Button) findViewById(; Pointpoint= getPointOfView(button); Log.d(TAG, "view point x,y (" + point.x + ", " + point.y + ")"); Copyand create this to get location of button.private Point getPointOfView(View view){ int[] location = newint[2]; view.getLocationInWindow(location); returnnewPoint(location[0], location[1]); } CopySolution 2: This happens because you are getting the coordinates of your view before it's actually shown. You can use the method, which executes some code after your View is properly newRunnable(){ @Overridepublicvoidrun(){ x = mButton.getX(); y = mButton.getY(); } } ); CopySolution 3: A few things to consider when you deal with view coordinates:getLocationInWindow() returns the position within a window, which usually has a greater height than your root layout, because the former includes the notifications bar / appbar / tabs.getX(), getY(), getTop(), getLeft() all return the position within your view's parent, which may be irrelevant, if your view is not a direct child of the root layout.If your view's position depends on the height of another view (e.g. it is located below another view, who's height if set as wrap_content), then you will be able to know the final position only after the global layout is finished (use OnGlobalLayoutListener).Solution 4: publicclassMainActivityextendsActivity { Button b1, b2, b3, b4; int b1x1, b1x2, b1y1, b1y2; private TextView xcordview; private TextView ycordview; private TextView buttonIndicator; private RelativeLayout touchview; privatestaticint defaultStates[]; private Button mLastButton; privatefinalstaticint[] STATE_PRESSED = { android.R.attr.state_pressed, android.R.attr.state_focused | android.R.attr.state_enabled }; @OverrideprotectedvoidonCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); xcordview = (TextView) findViewById(; ycordview = (TextView) findViewById(; buttonIndicator = (TextView) findViewById(; touchview = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(; b1 = (Button) findViewById(; b2 = (Button) findViewById(; b3 = (Button) findViewById(; b4 = (Button) findViewById(; defaultStates = b1.getBackground().getState(); } @OverrideprotectedvoidonResume() { // TODO Auto-generated method stubsuper.onResume(); touchview.setOnTouchListener(newView.OnTouchListener() { privatebooleanisInside=false; @OverridepublicbooleanonTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { intx= (int) event.getX(); inty= (int) event.getY(); xcordview.setText(String.valueOf(x)); ycordview.setText(String.valueOf(y)); for (inti=0; i < touchview.getChildCount(); i++) { Viewcurrent= touchview.getChildAt(i); if (current instanceof Button) { Buttonb= (Button) current; if (!isPointWithin(x, y, b.getLeft(), b.getRight(), b.getTop(), b.getBottom())) { b.getBackground().setState(defaultStates); } if (isPointWithin(x, y, b.getLeft(), b.getRight(), b.getTop(), b.getBottom())) { b.getBackground().setState(STATE_PRESSED); if (b != mLastButton) { mLastButton = b; buttonIndicator.setText(mLastButton.getText()); } } } } returntrue; } }); } @OverridepublicvoidonWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus) { // TODO Auto-generated method stubsuper.onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus); } staticbooleanisPointWithin(int x, int y, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2) { return (x <= x2 && x >= x1 && y <= y2 && y >= y1); } } Copy Share Post a Comment for "How Get Button Coordinate?"
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