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Can't Receive Notification From Gcm

I am using the Android Hive Tutorial. It was working fine before but now it's not working. When I register my device, it gets registered and I can see registered device on my web

Solution 1:

you might be using older version of gcm.jar file. Make Sure you are Using Latest Version of gcm.jar file. you can get Release Notes HERE about changes in various version of GCM.

Also for fixing this issue you can also look at Here to get Comparison about Various Version of GCMBrodcaseReceiver class.

you can get Latest Version of gcm.jar file from Here.

Hope it will Help.

Solution 2:

Did you register the broadcastreceiver?

<!-- Receives the actual messages. --><actionandroid:name="" /><!-- Receives the registration id. --><actionandroid:name="" /><categoryandroid:name="com.androidhive.pushnotifications" /></intent-filter></receiver>

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