Update An Item In The Arrayadapter
I have an arrayadapter.I can add items to this arrayadapter,but sometimes I need the update an item in this adapter.I researched the internet and can't find anything about update s
Solution 1:
An ArrayAdapter
maintains a reference to the array or List
of objects that it uses. Any of the methods such as add(...)
, remove(...)
or insert(...)
act directly on the array / list and also used synchronized
statements making them thread-safe.
Your approach may seem slightly long-winded but it's as safe a way of doing things as any other way. You could, of course, manipulate the original array / list yourself but if you need thread-safety you'd have to add synchronization to your own code. Why re-invent the wheel?
If you want to look at the source code for ArrayAdapter
it's here
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