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Post To User Facebook Wall Not Working When Facebook App Is Installed On Device/emulator

I've built an activity that uses this implementation (see the accepted answer) to post a status update on a user's facebook wall. It works with no problem if the emulator/phone doe

Solution 1:

I have found a workaround but it is not the best so far.

facebook.authorize(activity, PERMISSIONS, Facebook.FORCE_DIALOG_AUTH, 

This will force that your app does not use the SSO if official facebook app is installed on the device. But there must be a better solution because there are apps out there which use sso with the official facebook app.

Solution 2:

It is because when you logged in the facebook account then your login session is created in the device. You have to logout from the facebook after doing your task.

Solution 3:

privatestatic final String[] PERMISSIONS =
        new String[] {"publish_stream", "read_stream", "offline_access"};  

publicvoidonClick(View v)
    if (v == facebookPostButton)
        mAsyncRunner    = new AsyncFacebookRunner(mFacebook);
                                   mAsyncRunner.request(mFacebook.logout(getApplicationContext()), new LogoutListener());
                        mFacebook.authorize(FacebookImplement.this, PERMISSIONS, new AuthorizeListener());

publicclassAuthorizeListenerextendsBaseDialogListener {

        publicvoidonComplete(Bundle values) {

           Bundle params = new Bundle();
           params.putString("message"," Message");
       params.putString("description", "Wall Posting Description");        
        mAsyncRunner.request("me/feed", params, "POST",
                new UploadListener());         



publicclassUploadListenerextendsBaseRequestListener {

        publicvoidonComplete(final String response) {
              mAsyncRunner.request(mFacebook.logout(getApplicationContext()), newLogoutListener());


publicclassLogoutListenerextendsBaseRequestListener {

        publicvoidonComplete(final String response) {         


May be this code helps you. If there is any problem then ask without any issue.

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