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Showing posts from April, 2024

Android Webp Encoding In Api V18 And Above: Bitmap.compress(bitmap.compressformat.webp, 100, Outputstream) Doesn't Save The Alpha Channel For Api < 22

The app is compiled with following version config: compileSdkVersion 23 buildToolsVersion '23.0… Read more Android Webp Encoding In Api V18 And Above: Bitmap.compress(bitmap.compressformat.webp, 100, Outputstream) Doesn't Save The Alpha Channel For Api < 22

Uploading Image (action_image_capture) To Firebase Storage

EDIT: The discussion on this issue has been carried to another question: Image capture with camera … Read more Uploading Image (action_image_capture) To Firebase Storage

Force Android To Pick An App For Email Sending

I implemented sending emails from my application. I used this quesion on SO as a guide to achieve t… Read more Force Android To Pick An App For Email Sending

Android Dcim Folder Path

is there a way to get the DCIM path (it may be on sdcard or on device)on Api level 7? Environment.D… Read more Android Dcim Folder Path

Dialog Still Show After Click Positive Button

I have button on (CustomDilaog activity) when clicked show custom dialog with password edittext and… Read more Dialog Still Show After Click Positive Button

How To Insert Jpeg Files In Edittext Android

Is there any way to add jpeg files to edittext in android. Basically i am creating a rich text edit… Read more How To Insert Jpeg Files In Edittext Android

The Method Getsupportfragmentmanager() Is Undefined For The Type Mainactivity For Actionbarsherlock

I am using Actionbarsherlock library, This is a project to perform drawer operation I have also ens… Read more The Method Getsupportfragmentmanager() Is Undefined For The Type Mainactivity For Actionbarsherlock

Highlighting Certain Dates On Android Calendarview

I am using Android's CalendarView and I need to highlight some dates. I can't find any met… Read more Highlighting Certain Dates On Android Calendarview

Provide Own Root-certificate For Https-connection?

currently my app connects to a (special) webserver via HTTP to retrieve some data from there via GE… Read more Provide Own Root-certificate For Https-connection?

How Do Android Mediaplayers Continuing Playing Songs When App Is Closed?

Wondering how next songs are played once app is closed as if playing an entire CD or playlist... So… Read more How Do Android Mediaplayers Continuing Playing Songs When App Is Closed?

Impossible To Make My Datepickerdialog Use A Spinner Style Programmatically

I'm using a DialogFragment to open a DatePickerDialog public class DatePickerFragment extends D… Read more Impossible To Make My Datepickerdialog Use A Spinner Style Programmatically

Find Location Of Mobile

I want to find latitude & longitude when I enter the mobile number. There is any way to do tha… Read more Find Location Of Mobile

Remove Some Sharedpreferences

I am making a simple slashing game and I am saving stuffs like gold in SharedPreferences. How to re… Read more Remove Some Sharedpreferences

Appcompat V7 And Actionbaractivity

I'm following this tutorial to make and app with action bar for 2.3.x devices. But i cannot imp… Read more Appcompat V7 And Actionbaractivity

How To Sort List Of Matofpoints According To Contour (x,y)

I have a list that contains MatOfPoints which are nothing but contours that I detected from a image… Read more How To Sort List Of Matofpoints According To Contour (x,y)

Android Activity Class Does Not Exists?

I have been developing a project in eclipse for an android app. An error which i frequently get is … Read more Android Activity Class Does Not Exists?

Android's Asynctask: Multiple Params, Returning Values, Waiting

I have been looking at how to implement Android's AsyncTask class for some time now. Basically,… Read more Android's Asynctask: Multiple Params, Returning Values, Waiting

Is It Possible To Get The Cursive Plugin Installed With Android Studio?

I am currently starting my first project that will use Clojure to write an Android App using Androi… Read more Is It Possible To Get The Cursive Plugin Installed With Android Studio?

Update Sql Database With Contentvalues And The Update-method

I would like to update my SQL lite database with the native update-method of the SQLiteDatabase cla… Read more Update Sql Database With Contentvalues And The Update-method

Proguard Issue: Java.lang.runtimeexception Proguardtransform

Been trying to figure out this issue. I'm a bit of an Android noob, I can handle code but when … Read more Proguard Issue: Java.lang.runtimeexception Proguardtransform

Android Sso (single Sign-on) For App

Is there any free single-signon mechanism for Android that gracefully works with non-webapps? Say, … Read more Android Sso (single Sign-on) For App

How Can I Test In-app Payments When Google Play App Signing Feature Is Enabled?

I want to test in-app payments and I have Google Play App Signing (GPAS) enabled. To test payments,… Read more How Can I Test In-app Payments When Google Play App Signing Feature Is Enabled?

How To Automatically Record 30sec Video And Send Via Email In A Single Button Click?

In this project first we have to save phone no and mail ID of a particular person.And an image butt… Read more How To Automatically Record 30sec Video And Send Via Email In A Single Button Click?

Get Gps Location Of A Photo

I know how to get the current GPS location of a mobile phone. I also know how to save the GPS locat… Read more Get Gps Location Of A Photo

My Device Is Not Showing Up In "android Device Chooser" Suddenly

i am using my samsung galaxy3 device for testing my apps from last two months. It is working fine. … Read more My Device Is Not Showing Up In "android Device Chooser" Suddenly

How To Make Textwatcher Wait For Some Time Before Doing Some Action

I have an EditText to filter the items in the ListView below it, which may contain more than 1000 i… Read more How To Make Textwatcher Wait For Some Time Before Doing Some Action

Seekbar - Showing Progress With Textview Above

I'm trying the (surely simple?) task of having a TextView follow the thumb on a progress bar an… Read more Seekbar - Showing Progress With Textview Above

My App Doesnt Work ( Infinite Loop }

My app keeps crashing onReceive Basically im sending gps coordinates to another android device and … Read more My App Doesnt Work ( Infinite Loop }

Androidstudio No Stacktrace Shown After App Crash

I simply get no stacktrace information when my app crashes and therefore cannot find any errors. Pl… Read more Androidstudio No Stacktrace Shown After App Crash

Downloading Images With Picasso Android Disck

I'm using the Picasso library to download and display images in a listview, I'm using the f… Read more Downloading Images With Picasso Android Disck

Jar Libraries Not Being Detected

I created a fresh project in Android Studio which uses external library (JAR). I put this in module… Read more Jar Libraries Not Being Detected

Indexoutofboundsexception For Setspan - Outside My Application Code

I recently published an update to my Android app and have been getting a ton of crash reports, with… Read more Indexoutofboundsexception For Setspan - Outside My Application Code

How To Show Integer From Activity In Xml?

I use XML output in my app. So basically the main activity just tells the android to show the XML l… Read more How To Show Integer From Activity In Xml?

Android Dumpsys Meminfo "swapped Dirty" Coloumn Meaning?

There are many questions asked regarding output of the 'adb shell dumpsys meminfo' like thi… Read more Android Dumpsys Meminfo "swapped Dirty" Coloumn Meaning?

Android Material Design Datepicker With Appcompat

I'm trying to add the new Android 5.0 Material Design Datepicker to my pre 5.0 application usin… Read more Android Material Design Datepicker With Appcompat

How To Insert And Retrieve Postbody In Mirror Api Account Insert Method Using Php

I need to insert user's email in postBody of mirror API insert method. I am using this code: $a… Read more How To Insert And Retrieve Postbody In Mirror Api Account Insert Method Using Php

How To Make Android Base64.decode Reliable Throws Exception (or Returning Null) Given An Invalid Base64 Encoded String?

In Java SE, if given an invalid base64 encoded String, the decoder will throw exception. Java SE //… Read more How To Make Android Base64.decode Reliable Throws Exception (or Returning Null) Given An Invalid Base64 Encoded String?

Android - Can Publish Different Apps With Same Keystore File In Multiple Accounts?

I have uploaded signed apk file with keystore in Client Developer Account. Now i have an another ap… Read more Android - Can Publish Different Apps With Same Keystore File In Multiple Accounts?

Progressbar And Refresh Webview Combination Android

EDIT: I am using a ProgressBar for a Webview that works fine. Now I want to refresh my Webview, whi… Read more Progressbar And Refresh Webview Combination Android

How Do I Sign An Apk Using .key File?

I created an application which is currently on Android market. The key used to sign the application… Read more How Do I Sign An Apk Using .key File?

Multiple Resource Folders

I'm trying to add one more resource folder in my Android project. I created a new folder extra-… Read more Multiple Resource Folders

Baseadapter In Listactivity Isn't Displaying The Correct Items

I have a ListActivity in which I am trying to display an ImageView under the List. I'm attempt… Read more Baseadapter In Listactivity Isn't Displaying The Correct Items

Can The Android Phone Use The Windows Directx Library?

I have some functions which draws the game screen using the Direct X library in Windows. So, I am t… Read more Can The Android Phone Use The Windows Directx Library?

Check If Location Is Unavailable In Android Location Client

I would like to check if Location Client is able to provide any location. Is there any way to do so… Read more Check If Location Is Unavailable In Android Location Client

Android: Bitmapfactory.decodefile / Opencv Does Return Invaild Bitmap

I'm taking a picture with the camera activity and then try to read it from the saved location. … Read more Android: Bitmapfactory.decodefile / Opencv Does Return Invaild Bitmap

Why Image Rotation Animation Only Works Correctly For The First Time

I have this simple arrow image rotation animation which works as intended only for the first time. … Read more Why Image Rotation Animation Only Works Correctly For The First Time

How To Handle Callback Using Kotlin Coroutines

the following snippet returns the result as 'null' on sequential code flow. I understand co… Read more How To Handle Callback Using Kotlin Coroutines

How To Add Section Header To Custom List View In Android?

package com.VRG; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap;… Read more How To Add Section Header To Custom List View In Android?

How To Create Really Small Buttons In Android From Code?

Android default Button class provides a really big button. There is a lot of wasted space around.… Read more How To Create Really Small Buttons In Android From Code?

Android Mediastore Get Cursor Position By Comparing With Title_key

I am using MediaStore's media content and have a SearchView to filter the content displayed in … Read more Android Mediastore Get Cursor Position By Comparing With Title_key

Logging With Logger Under Android

I've noticed that the following works on PC but not inside the Android simulator. Logger logger… Read more Logging With Logger Under Android

Android: Context Has Some Problem When Displaying Push Notification Using C2dm

I am trying to display push notification messages using C2DM. If it is a Toast message, then it is … Read more Android: Context Has Some Problem When Displaying Push Notification Using C2dm

Android For Loop

I have the following code... String t = ' '; for(int l=0; l<=5; l++){ t = 'Num:… Read more Android For Loop

App Crashes When Loading Image From Gallery

In my app ,i have two buttons ,one for loading the image from gallery(from device )and another one … Read more App Crashes When Loading Image From Gallery

How Do You Design This Layout Simple?

i need to cooperate with IOS developer. He does not know how Android work in layout system. He desi… Read more How Do You Design This Layout Simple?

Is It Bad Practice To Pass The Instance Of An Activity As A Parameter And Finish() It From A Different Class?

I have a few Activities that use the exact same methods logout() and redirect() multiple times. Wo… Read more Is It Bad Practice To Pass The Instance Of An Activity As A Parameter And Finish() It From A Different Class?

How To Communicate Between Threads With Android Opengl

Suppose I get a stream of pixels buffer and I want to display them with OpelnGL; For that I use GLE… Read more How To Communicate Between Threads With Android Opengl

Is It Possible To Pass A Fragment In A Constructor?

I am trying to pass my Fragment to an ASyncTask class so that I can update a widget or two in the f… Read more Is It Possible To Pass A Fragment In A Constructor?

Why Does Setalpha() Act On All My Buttons Whilst Setimageresource() Acts On Just One Button?

At the moment my buttons do not work. The first two times any are pressed all buttons are influence… Read more Why Does Setalpha() Act On All My Buttons Whilst Setimageresource() Acts On Just One Button?

How Can I Swap Test Doubles At The Scope Of An Activity Or A Fragment Using Dagger 2?

EDIT: Watch out! I have deleted the old repository reffered to in this question. See my own answer … Read more How Can I Swap Test Doubles At The Scope Of An Activity Or A Fragment Using Dagger 2?

Empty Spaces At The End Of Row Recyclerview With Gridlayoutmanger

I am using recyclerview with gridlayoutmanger with spancount 2 containing fixed 12 elements only in… Read more Empty Spaces At The End Of Row Recyclerview With Gridlayoutmanger

Is There Anything Like An Itemized Overlay For Images?

Hi I am searching for functionality which works like the itemizedOverlay on the mapview, only for … Read more Is There Anything Like An Itemized Overlay For Images?

Creating Custom Style Crashes App

I am building my app so that it can benefit from multiple themes. I have got to the stage where I w… Read more Creating Custom Style Crashes App

Service Pauses On Screen Lock

For testing purposes i have made a service that beeps every 1 minute. (No client-server interface y… Read more Service Pauses On Screen Lock

Convert Curl To Httpclient Post

I'm new to cURL, can we do the same thing in httpclient and httppost? If yes, what is the equiv… Read more Convert Curl To Httpclient Post

How To Randomize If Statements Within Android Development

I am building a questionnaire type application within android and I am wondering if there is a way … Read more How To Randomize If Statements Within Android Development

Photo Rotated From Camera (samsung Device)

i hate this company. All them devices have a lot of bugs. Ok question : Im trying to fix stupid pro… Read more Photo Rotated From Camera (samsung Device)

Pass Data From Dialog To New Activity

I am trying pass data from my dialog box to a new Activity. So basically what i want to do for exam… Read more Pass Data From Dialog To New Activity

Share File To Another App (whatsapp, Telegram, Gmail)

I'm developing an android app using Xamarin.Forms. So far i did not found too much difficulties… Read more Share File To Another App (whatsapp, Telegram, Gmail)

Sinch : Get An Event For No Internet Connection While On Going Voice Call

I am working on voice call application using sinch sdk. Calling functionality works perfect! but, I… Read more Sinch : Get An Event For No Internet Connection While On Going Voice Call

Creating Intent In Test: "method Putextra In Android.content.intent Not Mocked"

I'm trying to unit test a broadcast receiver which listens for '… Read more Creating Intent In Test: "method Putextra In Android.content.intent Not Mocked"

How To Create Custom Text-to-speech Engine

As I know, TTS needs TTS engine to speak one language. In Android emulator 2.2, Pico TTS engine is … Read more How To Create Custom Text-to-speech Engine

Animated Splash Screen Using .gif

I want to use animated gif for the Splash screen. So I change the src in config.xml into my gif lik… Read more Animated Splash Screen Using .gif

What's Up With Firebase ".info/connected"?

According to the answer below, we need to read from the database to be able to trigger '.info/c… Read more What's Up With Firebase ".info/connected"?

Android Sqlite Database Not Working When Returning To Main Activity

I'm working on app that request user to use phone number to login and once they logged in, I… Read more Android Sqlite Database Not Working When Returning To Main Activity

Error Android.content.res.resources$notfoundexception: File From Xml Type Layout Resource Id #0x102000a

Hey, I'm trying to create a design for a list that looks like (and mostly behaves like) the cal… Read more Error Android.content.res.resources$notfoundexception: File From Xml Type Layout Resource Id #0x102000a

Facebook Post To Wall Give Exception

I want to post text message to my facebook wall. My example code is: public void postOnMyFacebookWa… Read more Facebook Post To Wall Give Exception

Can't Resolve Android Resource Strings

I am learning Android, and I have what I think is a weird problem. in /res/values/strings.xml I hav… Read more Can't Resolve Android Resource Strings

App Crash While Sending Data Over A Socket Using Wifip2p Connection

App crashes while sending data over a socket using wifi p2p connection I am testing a simple chat a… Read more App Crash While Sending Data Over A Socket Using Wifip2p Connection

Is There Any Shortcut On Android Studio To Get The Hex Value Of Color From Text Or Something Like This?

I don't want to remember the color codes during coding. Is there is any shortcut to get the col… Read more Is There Any Shortcut On Android Studio To Get The Hex Value Of Color From Text Or Something Like This?

Screen Orientation Forced To Portrait, But Still, The Activities Will Rotate To Landscape When Tilted!! How To Force Portrait Mode?

I've searched stackoverflow for this and didn't get any solution to what I am looking for. … Read more Screen Orientation Forced To Portrait, But Still, The Activities Will Rotate To Landscape When Tilted!! How To Force Portrait Mode?

How Can I Prevent My Bottom Toolbar With 3 Images From Being Stretched Out?

I have a bottom layout with three images. I want them to be equally distributed. To do this, I used… Read more How Can I Prevent My Bottom Toolbar With 3 Images From Being Stretched Out?