Flutter With Vs Code And Emulator Taking Too Much Ram
Solution 1:
This is a very common issue that I faced personally. After wasting a lot of time at the slow laptop, I decided to upgrade my RAM & now it works better.
Assuming that a normal Flutter developer uses the following programs at any given time -
Chrome (~1.5 GB)
(Obviously for StackOverflow, Github, Music, Surfing etc. Minimum 5 - 8 tabs open)
VS Code (~1 - 2 GB)
For running project(s) (Sometimes I have to switch b/w multiple projects)
Emulator (~1.5 - 2 GB)
Easily consumes a lot of RAM.
Your OS (Windows/Linux/Mac (~1.5 - 2 GB)
Your OS may consume 1.5 - 2 GB RAM with no programs running. If it is consuming more, then try restarting your laptop.
I have upgraded my RAM to 16 GB now. Now, my normal usage goes to 7.6 GB (around 50% RAM usage).
If you are using Android Studio, then you will have even less RAM. It is really heavy (2.5 GB+, in some cases). I personally use VS Code as it is light-weight.
Solution 2:
An alternative can be to use an actual mobile device, instead of an emulator.
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