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Android: Using Requestsingleupdate Or Replace It

i'm working on app, which must get latitude and longitude. in my case requestLocationUpdates (String provider, long minTime, float minDistance, LocationListener listener) is not in

Solution 1:

The requestSingleLocation method new for API level 9. If you are targeting an earlier API level, this method will not be available to you.

One of the problems with obtaining location information is that it can take time to get a fix. This is more of a problem with the GPS location provider than the network provider. If you are only using the network provider, then there may not much of a delay with getting the location information when the user clicks the button (I say this knowing nothing about what your app does with the data, or what type of user experience you are trying to provide).

Something else you can try is the PASSIVE_PROVIDER. It allows you to get location updates that were requested from other apps. This will mean that you have to request the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission however. You may also need to leave something running to receive the location updates (likely a service or a BroadCastReceiver). The BroadcastReceiver approach should not use that much additional battery life since it only runs when the Intent is received along with the PASSIVE_PROVIDER only getting locations when some other app requested them anyways.

The other sticky point with the PASSIVE_PROVIDER is that you should eventually call removeUpdates. Where and when to call this really depends on how your app is structured and how you handle the user exiting the app.

Solution 2:

You can use getLastKnownLocation method, but it can be out-of-date. requestLocationUpdates is asynchronous because gps needs to "warm-up" to find new location. requestSingleUpdate method is available since api level 9, but you can implements it's using requestLocationUpdates and disabling updates after first callback to LocationListener.

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