Sherlock Action Bar's Menu Item Background
Solution 1:
It seems you use Theme.Sherlock.Dark in manifest file for whole application or this activity. It is normal behavior of ActionBar -- it is defined by style, but your custom view-element has is own backround, text style, etc... From setCustomView() javadoc:
Custom navigation views appear between the application icon and any action buttons and may use any space available there.
This method just add new view to bar, but doesn't set 'view for whole bar'.
Take a look at -- this is a style generator for action bar. Pay attention to the toggle button "Style compatibility".
Solution 2:
I have found the solution of this not exactly the way i wanted but the other way. actually i've created the images with centred screen title for various screens and setting it as the action bar background rather than creating a custom view and SherlockActionBar is flexible enough to hide the default title displayed on the upper-left corner. all i have done is.
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