Music Played Using Asynctask Isn't Stopping By Using Cancel
Solution 1:
Instead of creating an AsyncTask, why not just create the MediaPlayer, and start it from your activity?
The MediaPlayer has its own threading logic built into it. You don't need to create a thread to manage the media player. You can read more here:
In your activity, you could do the following:
privateMediaPlayer mMediaPlayer;
protectedvoidonCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Initalize the media player
mMediaPlayer = ... however you are initializing it ...;
// Set the listener so the media player can tell you when it is finished preparing
// Prepare the MediaPlayer asynchronously so that the UI thread does not lock up
// You need to listen for when the Media Player is finished preparing and is readypublicvoidonPrepared(MediaPlayer player) {
// Start the player
Then whenever you need to stop the player, simply call
Solution 2:
As, vogella explains it on his website: "The AsyncTask does not handle configuration changes automatically, i.e. if the activity is recreated, the programmer has to handle that in his coding.
A common solution to this is to declare the AsyncTask in a retained headless fragment."
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