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Prograurding Android Project Using Javacv Gives Exception

Hi i am developing an app with Javacv. The app works fine until i proguard the build. After proguarding, the app crashes at the place of jni function call. -dontshrink -dontoptimi

Solution 1:

You have to keep your native methods (which you're already doing), as well as the Java methods called from native code.

You can keep all javacv and javacpp methods like so:

-keep classcom.googlecode.javacv.**{ *; }
-keepclassmembers classcom.googlecode.javacv.** {
-keep classcom.googlecode.javacpp.**{ *; }
-keepclassmembers classcom.googlecode.javacpp.** {

Also, if you want to cut down on warnings in the build output:

-dontwarn com.googlecode.javacv.**, com.googlecode.javacpp.**-dontnote com.googlecode.javacv.**, com.googlecode.javacpp.**

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