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Jquery Mobile Fixed Footer Is Moving When The Keyboard Appears

I have designed an app using Phonegap and jQuery Mobile. The fixed footer works properly until I click on a dropdown or text field, which causes the footer to either disappear from

Solution 1:

I had the problem in some devices the footer displayed and in others it didn't. I found this worked for me:

var initialScreenSize = window.innerHeight;
window.addEventListener("resize", function() {
    if(window.innerHeight < initialScreenSize){


But what about orientation changes?

var portraitScreenHeight;
var landscapeScreenHeight;

if(window.orientation === 0 || window.orientation === 180){
    portraitScreenHeight = $(window).height();
    landscapeScreenHeight = $(window).width();
    portraitScreenHeight = $(window).width();
    landscapeScreenHeight = $(window).height();

var tolerance = 25;
$(window).bind('resize', function(){
    if((window.orientation === 0 || window.orientation === 180) &&
       ((window.innerHeight + tolerance) < portraitScreenHeight)){
        // keyboard visible in portrait
    elseif((window.innerHeight + tolerance) < landscapeScreenHeight){
        // keyboard visible in landscape
        // keyboard NOT visible

The tolerance accounts for the inexact calculation of landscape height with portrait width and vis-versa.

Solution 2:

Okay, this thread is as old as the internet at this point, but the answer above didn't seem to do the job for me.

The best way I found was to bind a method to the jquery .blur() event, and then call fixedtoolbar() methods in a very specific order, i.e.

var that = this;


onFocusLoss : function() {
    try {
    } catch(e) {

Solution 3:

The keyboard is opened when we have the focus on an input so:

// hide the footer when input is active
$("input").blur(function() {

$("input").focus(function() {

Solution 4:

You can also detect when the keyboard shows and when it hides and show or hide your footer accordingly:

document.addEventListener("showkeyboard", function(){ $("[data-role=footer]").hide();}, false);
document.addEventListener("hidekeyboard", function(){ $("[data-role=footer]").show();}, false);

Solution 5:

Try data-hide-during-focus="" and set it to an empty string.

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